For kliniker

Nationale årsrapporter

 Bemærk, at rapporterne er udformet til sundhedsfaglig brug og kan være svært tilgængelig for den almindelige læser. 


Arkiv gældende versioner af DSG 


Bridging af patienter i AK-behandling 
Denne applikation anvendes til bridging af patienter i AK-behandling >>

Sarkomer og aggressive benigne tumorer >>
Referenceprogram udarbejdet under Dansk Sarkomgruppe (DSG)

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.